Monday, October 19, 2009

thoughts from the end of the playlist...

1. ... Music is too good to be true.

2. ... Sometimes the outside's to loud and its hard to hear the inside.

3. ... I wish my life was a musical at times. (refer to #1)

4. ... Music can truly bring revelation to human kind.

5. ... There's not enough time, for all the music in the world.

6. ... Turns out it would take me 50.5 days, to hear the 86.94GB that 17766 songs take up in my computer and iPod.

7. ... Still unsure which is the greatest invention, the light bulb, the phone, or the iPod.

8. ... Music in other languages is interesting.

9. ... I wonder what Hip Hop, Polka, and Cumbia would sound when played with a sitar, bongos, chirimia and one of those double flutes from old Egypt.

10. ... I still can't believe Music's good. (refer to #1)

1 comment:

  1. Definitely love nos true... and wow at nos 6. you must have an ish load of songs..that's amazing.
